Short trip to Achao    

Image for Entry 1200958825A trip to Achao on the Isla Quinchao revealed some pretty views of other islands and involved passing vistas of rolling hills and wood shingled houses.

When we got to the town, we visited the church which was the oldest church on Chiloe. Chiloe is famous for its wood churches, several of which have been designated UNESCO heritage sites. Originally, the Achao church had used wood pegs instead of nails, however, since then it looked like metal nails had been used to repair it.

After visiting the church, we took a look at the small town museum which had examples of traditional tools and handcrafts from the island. Then we took a quick walk by the waterfront before returning to Castro.

The bus ride took us past a playground which featured two giant snake sculptures. The night before, our hostess, Bernardita had given us a book to look at which included a comic telling the story of the creation of Chiloe. The legend told of the evil sea snake, Caicaivilu who bit off Chiloe from the main land, the domain of the land snake Tentenvilu. A battle ensued and in the end, though the land snake was able to raise the island of Chiloe from the water, saving the people, it was forever separated from the rest of Chile.

Back in Castro, we walked by some of the palafitos.

Though they were mostly in need of a paint job, I had to admire the way the owners seemed to strive for individuality in their houses through various color combinations and the incredible variation of shingle designs.

It would be nice if there was the money available to really restore the town's houses. Some house owners have, but mostly the houses seemed to be deteriorating due to time as well as the wear and tear caused by the wind, rain and salt sea.

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